Trey's Kindergarten Graduation

I can't believe that Trey graduated kindergarten. Where does the time go? I've heard over and over the saying that "the days are long but the years are short" but lately even the days seem short!

He had a graduation at school, where i of course started crying, especially when is teacher Miss Ball (who was an AMAZING teacher) started to give a speech and when she started crying ...well...I lost it! Afterward we had a small party in his classroom.

Later that night we went to a D back game and finished celebrating there. It was hard to think that we would never be back at MTA. I just loved that school, even though we were only there two years...Trey has grown and learned so much in that short of time.

IMG_0817 from ashley ellis on Vimeo.

IMG 0791 from ashley ellis on Vimeo.