our weekend in the pines

a few weekends ago david was asked to be the worship leader for winter camp. they whole family decided to sneak up with him and enjoy a weekend in the mountains.

the kids loved it! i was hoping for snow in prescott but we were a weekend to late (we made up for it though).

trey fell in love with camping and i am so ready to take them out this year and start camping more as a family. david and i camped before we had kids (and i camped when i was a kid) but we haven't done any camping since having kids. we will hopefully be making up for it this summer!

since david still had monday off from school we drove up to flagstaff after the camp ended to find some snow. i think we found it!

i booked a camping cabin at the koa in flag we played in the snow until our noses were about to fall off......well trey and i did, aubrey was not the biggest fan of the cold.

 * he threw the snow ball smack dab in my face lol...i had no idea this picture even turned out!!