laundry soap

one of the very first ways i started to "go granola" was to start making my own laundry detergent.

i had read a ton of blogs about the liquid kind and i just wasn't sold. i mean i don't have room (or patience) to make gallons of detergent.

but thanks to pinterest i found a dry recipe...and i have been sold!

3 ingredients....
zote: $0.96
washing soda: $2.50
borax: $3.50


recipe: 2 cups of grated zote (half of a large bar!)
            1 cup of borax
            1 cup of washing soda

so you can see that a box of borax and washing soda go a long way! you only need a tablespoon of detergent for a large load....seriously, that's it! i sometimes feel it's not enough but it really is.


you can also use fels naptha or ivory soap. i just love the smell and pink curls of the zote bar.


i haven't used any natural stain removers but at the blog of live renewed she rates natural stain removers. i'm going to make some of my own soon too!