schenpf farms 2011

pumpkin patch

on thursday we took our annual trip down to queen creek to visit schenpf farms.
it was even better than last year!

minus the random act of car sickness that aubrey had 5 minutes prior to arriving (YUCK!) there went all my hopes of great they would be with pink "leftovers" all over her white (smart me) shirt!

pumpkin ptach
pumpkin patch

we got to ride a carousel that dates back to 1912 (can you believe that in a few months it will be one hundred years old!!!!)

pumpkin ptach
pumpkin patch

the kids were both big enough to ride all the rides this year.

pumpkin ptach
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch

the train ride around the farm....treys favorite part :)

pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch

he is always so serious!

pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin ptach
pumpkin patch

trey was brave enough this year to ride the roller coaster. i thought it would have scared him the most. but the entire car ride home all he talked about was the roller coaster.

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a hay ride (i almost had them re-take the photo b/c of aubrey's face....but then realized that's her attitude the majority of the time, so i felt it appropriate to share real life  (lol)

pumpkin patch

stopping to see and feed the deers.

pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch

and last stop the petting zoo.

pumpkin patch

aubrey didn't really know what to think

pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch

trey on the other hand, is my little lover of all things!
(thank goodness his mommy isn't a germaphobe, because he was kissing them every time i turned around ♥ )