New Years Resolutions

I have just a few this year but I truly hope to fulfill them all.  I have been so blessed this past year that I pray that I can use my gifts to be able to glorify God in the new year. Okay now for the list.

1.Find a direction for my photography....what creative style do I it a mainly for my blog or is God leading me to pursue it more.

I was just asked to photograph a small wedding in the couples home! Are you kidding me....It is crazy to see where God is taking this. 

     2. Thrift more..I did this last year but this year, I want to thrift for everything! I LOVE to shop....its the one thing I wish I could let go of..but the feeling of bringing something new (new to me) home....its exhilarating. So after reading a TON of blogs I have decided to try not to buy any Brand New clothing for me this year. Instead I am going to try to thrift for all my clothes. I am even going to try this with ALL home decor (not like I need anything else though!)

Kids are a tad more difficult but I am going to strive to buy them more thrifted/vinatge clothing as well.
And as a side note I did get a few git cards for Christmas so I might pick up a few white tees..other than that I will use them for jewelery and shoes :)

Here is my $1 vintage/thrifted dress. I LOVE it and so does my husband. I love how he loves my kookiness!

     3.  Speaking of vintage. I have decided to try out my very own Etsy shop.  A TON of my friends and fellow bloggers have their own shops and are having success. So I am giving it a try. I hopefully will be opening it soon, I will let you all know :)

I decided to go for it ..when every time I walk into Goodwill I see TONS of vintage items. Most I LOVE and want for myself but others I would love to sell. So I have bought a few items and I am mending them and we will see where this goes. If it fails I am okay with it...I just figured I would give it a shot!

P.S. Thanks for the kick in the bumm Whitney and Jessi :)

    4. Be myself!! I finally feel this year that I can be myself! It sounds silly but I guess when I was newly married  I felt that I had to " Keep up with the Jones" but I am finally realizing that  I can wear what makes me happy and what I like (and PRAISE THE LORD my husband likes it too).  I can also decorate my home with what I want does not all have to be approved by HGTV!!

I also I can cook all I want too in my vintage Pyrex!! I don't need or want the brand new stuff. I literally smile every time I cook something in it...and that is what counts. (Can you tell I am slightly obsessed with vintage things!!).

Anyway, there it is! Happy New Year everyone! I pray that God blesses all of us this year!!