Thrifty finds!

I have been having so much luck lately at my local GW!!!

Right now I am mainly finding things for the kids...but every now and then I see something for me HA!

Last week I bought Trey the old VHS of Jungle Book and OMG the kid LOVES it!!!
Everyday he is asking if he can go in the play room and watch "Jugle book" :)

I am sooo happy that I did not get rid of our TV with the built in VHS...I came close but thank goodness I thought ahead about using it for the kids (I just wish I would have saved more of my VHS's!)

I do eventually want to collect all the Disney movies on DVD..but at $25 a might take a long while to build the collection up. So for now we are finding my favorites for a $1 at can't beat that!

I did also find this Thomas the Train DVD ( I might keep it hidden until Christmas though :)

But the best thing are the caauuuttteeee Halloween clothes for Aubrey! I got this dress a few weeks ago and LOVE it!

But I just saw this today and for $2 I could care less if she only wears it once it was to cute to pass up!

I also go their Halloween costumes there this year!

Aubrey's was $4 and Trey's $1!! Although he still might be James Dean....we will see....
And a great Polo for Trey and sweet sweater for the Aubs!

Speaking of which, poor thing had her shots today :(

Have a great rest of the week. I will leave you with the sweetest pic so far this week!!

Friend Finding Fridays