A surprise evening!
So I worked this past weekend...
I would say yuck, because I would rather be home with my family on the weekend. But I have to admit most weekend shifts are really nice. The hospital its self seems calmer (even though it may be crazy busy..it sometimes still has that feel) and their is no traffic on the way into work...and lets be honest that would make any ones day!!
So yesterday as I was walking out to my car I was checking my messages (I got slammed about 1 hour before I got off!) and I noticed a text from my cousin saying "Hey, Josh and I are in Phoenix would love to meet up!" I was totally taken by surprise!
The only other time Marci was in Phoenix was 5 years ago for our wedding.....
To make things even better they were literally staying about 2 blocks away from our home!
I kept the kids up a little later so they could hang out. It was their first time to see Aubrey.
Trey LOVED Josh. He warmed up to him so fast!!!

Here is Trey last year with Josh.....Josh and Marci you are sooo awesome with kids! I can't wait to see your kiddos (of course after 2012 though :)
And Marci you can sooo give Aubrey private Ballet lessons ANYTIME!!!! Yes, thats right I have some real ballerina's in my family!!
Have a great trip to the Grand canyon you two and have a safe trip back to Cali!!