Easter 2010
This Easter was just perfect! I am still in amazement of how perfect my life is! I have two wonderful, beautiful and healthy children and the worlds best husband!! God has blessed me beyond belief and I could not be more thankful!!!
The morning started out with Trey finding his Easter basket!! I think out of all the things he got the best one was his own hairbrush, I guess the Easter Bunny knew that Trey steals his mommy's all the time and sends her searching the house for sometimes hours trying to find where they went...Thank you Easter Bunny!!!
Next was church, I heard it was a great service lol, I helped out in the nursery...we had almost 6 new kids!!! This is huge since we are a new church....The Egg Hunt really was a success for outreach, hopefully these families continue to come.
I ran home and started lunch but had a mini photo session before our Easter outfits got to dirty . I just love looking at these pictures, I think I have reviewed them a hundred times since I took them yesterday.
Isn't it FABULOUS how their outfits match!!!!
After lunch we decided to have another egg hunt just for Trey (this time he would have all the eggs to himself LOL).
What a day!!! Thanks for stopping by :)