Goodwill fun
Soooo.... I have not been to a thrift store since Aubrey was born and I was sorta getting with- drawls so when David got home from work he decided to do his P90X and I decided to make a quick run to goodwill.
I have learned when I go in there looking for something in particular I never find it but end up finding something completely different!
I was actually hoping to find some fun home decor...really anything I could spray paint....I haven't done that in a while...and if you are an avid thrifter you know that you will have bust days. Well I found no home decor but I did find SHOES!!!

I found these awesome zebra and two more black pairs! One is even Nine West! The ironic thing was these were the exact style I was looking for all last year and couldn't find them or wasn't willing to pay the high price tag. Well they may be out of season this year but I still love them!
And price tag on all 3 pairs $2.99 each and I had a 20% coupon.....and the jeans for Aubrey next year were only $1.50!!!
On the kid front...Aubrey weighs whopping 8 1/2 pounds!!!!! She is growing up so fast!!!

And Trey is cutting new teeth....his back molars (I think..they are the back ones and he is suffering pretty bad through it...we've been living off of Tylenol the last few days!) Poor guy :(
I have learned when I go in there looking for something in particular I never find it but end up finding something completely different!
I was actually hoping to find some fun home decor...really anything I could spray paint....I haven't done that in a while...and if you are an avid thrifter you know that you will have bust days. Well I found no home decor but I did find SHOES!!!
I found these awesome zebra and two more black pairs! One is even Nine West! The ironic thing was these were the exact style I was looking for all last year and couldn't find them or wasn't willing to pay the high price tag. Well they may be out of season this year but I still love them!
And price tag on all 3 pairs $2.99 each and I had a 20% coupon.....and the jeans for Aubrey next year were only $1.50!!!
On the kid front...Aubrey weighs whopping 8 1/2 pounds!!!!! She is growing up so fast!!!

And Trey is cutting new teeth....his back molars (I think..they are the back ones and he is suffering pretty bad through it...we've been living off of Tylenol the last few days!) Poor guy :(