Day trip
David, the family and I all enjoyed a yummy breakfast at Cracker Barrel on Friday. Trey LOVED the pancakes....I mean its Cracker Barrel who doesn't???
While we were eating I was thinking I wish there was somewhere fun to go and for some reason I mentioned Sedona (For all you non-Phoenicians Sedona is about 1 1/2 hour drive north) David was easy to convince so we loaded up on Gummy Bears and other fun candy from Cracker Barrel and loaded the kids in and started our drive.

Now of course we spent more time in the car than we did actually in Sedona but it was a lot of fun. We very rarely do anything that spontaneous so we really did enjoy ourselves.
We stopped by Oak Creek canyon, I was hoping to dip our feet in but with all the rain we have been getting the creek was roaring! But we did grab a family pic out of it. And no Trey does not have his finger in his nose...its in his mouth LOL :)
We then stopped to grab an amazing banana split....we ALL enjoyed it (I wish I grabbed a pic, it was delicious!)
It was a nice ending to a great Spring Break with my family! Sorry babe its back to work on Monday :( (hey my maternity leave is drawing to a quick end too!)