Reunion and weight watchers

Today was a great day! David came home early from school and Trey, daddy and I decided to have a late lunch/early dinner at P.F. Chang's. Then we headed up to the mall and shopped for reunion cloths. You see Davids 10 year reunion is this Saturday and we both forgot about it until this week.

He wasn't going to go until I opened my big mouth and said it would be a great idea, now I am stressed to's going to be ..well...awkward. David found himself a nice pair of jeans and button down shirt at Express, me on the other hand???? What does the wife of the reunionie (word????) wear???

I thought about a dress, but then got nervous it might be to dressy, its only going to be at a local restaurant.

My first choice was this nice dress from Ann Taylor Loft...but it was not in my size!!
So this is what I think I am going to wear, and I need all 12 of your honest opinions!!

A nice pair of dark jeans
With this top (with a white tank underneath)
With a nice pair of heals.

I think it says mature yet young, mother yet sassy you agree??

With all this talk of reunion and even trying to (unsuccessfully) fit into some of the tops at forever 21 ( I heart you) I have decided that it is time to finally get rid of that last 10-15 pounds of baby fat! I am going to try weight watchers ( the only diet I haven't tried).

Well I am to cheap to join but I have read how many points I need and decided to stock up on all the Weight Watchers brand food instead.

I give you my freezer!

If anyone has pointers on being successful on weight watchers PLEASE leave a comment, I need all the help I can get.

Have a great weekend!